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Manually (aapt) add native library .so to apk

For multiple reasons I'm building my project manually (more or less following these steps, whithout using ant.

My projects uses the NDK and builds a .so library.

  • With Eclipse:

When I use Eclipse to build my project, everything works: I drag&drop in the libs/armeabi directory and when I call loadLibrary(MyNativeLib) it works fine: I can call native method from my Java code.

  • Manually:

Now I want to build manually my .apk. Everything works except from the native lib loading. Using aapt add, I have added in my apk : lib/armeabi/ (I saw that the apk generated by Eclipse contains this .so in lib/armeabi so I used the same path in the apk). When calling loadLibrary(MyNativeLib), I got the following exception

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load MyNativeLib from loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList...

Why is that ?

Should I do something in the dx --dex step regarding the native code (.so lib) ? I don't think so but I'm maybe wrong ? (I'm only using dx --dex with my .jar libs which is logic I guess).

Do you have any idea ?



  • Thanks to apktool ( I found out what was wrong.

    The makefile that generates the final .apk bundle had an error. Indeed the aapt add command contained \ in the path instead of /. As I'm generating on Windows, all my paths use \ as a separator. That's why I used \ for aapt add. However as this path is used during the installation of the .apk on Android (Unix), then I should have used / separator.