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What's the difference between using the Serializable attribute & implementing ISerializable?

What's the difference between using the Serializable attribute and implementing the ISerializable interface?


  • When you use the SerializableAttribute attribute you are putting an attribute on a field at compile-time in such a way that when at run-time, the serializing facilities will know what to serialize based on the attributes by performing reflection on the class/module/assembly type.

    public class MyFoo { … }

    The above indicates that the serializing facility should serialize the entire class MyFoo, whereas:

    public class MyFoo
        private int bar;
        public int WhatBar
           get { return; }

    Using the attribute you can selectively choose which fields needs to be serialized.

    When you implement the ISerializable interface, the serialization effectively gets overridden with a custom version, by overriding GetObjectData and SetObjectData (and by providing a constructor of the form MyFoo(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)), there would be a finer degree of control over the serializing of the data.

    See also this example of a custom serialization here on StackOverflow. It shows how to keep the serialization backwards-compatible with different versionings of the serialized data.

    Hope this helps.