I have a CGridView with a table tblDetails . I need to sort the table's data not by asc or desc, but by values. the column to sort is status
column values:
1) New
2) Pending
3) Awaiting approval
4) Open
5) Approved/Closed
So I need the data sorted as in this way :
New data
open data
pending data
and so forth.
So not by asc desc. And I cannot change the table to accommodate that because that would be cheating.
I would preferably like to do this in the model in search function but if there is a better way please mention it.
to do such thing you need SQL statement like this.
SELECT status FROM table_name
WHEN 'New data' THEN 1
WHEN 'open data' THEN 2
WHEN 'pending data' THEN 3
in Yii model:
$criteria = new CdbCriteria();
$criteria->order ="CASE Column_name
WHEN 'New data' THEN 1
WHEN 'open data' THEN 2
WHEN 'pending data' THEN 3
return new CActiveDataProvider ($this, array(
'criteria'=>$criteria, //ordered criteria sent to CGridView
PS. tested under mysql - it works :)