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Protractor testing angular ng-options

I four <select> with ng-options used in my page that will retrieve different information. All of them are like this, except with different data binding, names and ids:

<div class="col-sm-3">
   <label class="control-label" for="lawyer">Lawyer</label>
   <select class="form-control" id="lawyer" name="lawyer" ng-model="model.lawyerUuid" required
      ng-options="lawyer.uuid as for lawyer in model.lawyers">

How can I test this in protractor so I can make sure there are only x (e.g. 2) lawyers returned ?

Since I use ng-options, finding by ng-repeat won't work and if I search with the following, I will get all four <selects> in my page and not only the one above (so if all of them would return 2 elements I would have a count() of 8):

element.all(by.css('select option'))

Is there a way to retrieve all the elements that have a parent with some specified id?


  • driver.findElements(protractor.By.css('#lawyer > option')).then(function (lawyers) {

    This is similar to finding it by repeat but may still work