I have a problem where changes in a list are not reflected in the associated shelf (Python 2.6.9). Consider the following minimal example
File Context.py:
import shelve
class Cont:
shelf = shelve.open( STATUSFILE, protocol = 0, writeback = True )
File test.py:
from Context import Cont
class T:
jobQueue = list()
def save(cls):
cls.jobQueue = [1,2,3]
Cont.shelf['queue'] = cls.jobQueue
First, I assumed the second list output to be[1,2]
. Second, why are the ids different? When assigning the list, only a reference should be copied, keeping the id intact.
The strange thing is that I cannot reproduce that on the Python shell. There the output ids are the same and the shelfed list shows the change on jobQueue.
It seems that when executing my program the writeback=True
is ignored. I am greatful for every hint!
EDIT: I did reproduce the problem on the shell with the given minimal example. May this have something to do with the class structure (I'm pretty new to objective Python)? I can imagine that class Cont does not know class T and hence cannot store a reference to T.jobQueue but rather a copy of the list.
Without shelf.sync():
def save(cls):
Cont.shelf['queue'] = cls.jobQueue #1
print(Cont.shelf['queue']) #2
# [1, 2, 3]
cls.jobQueue.pop() #3
print(Cont.shelf['queue']) #4
# [1, 2]
from shelf.cache.cls.jobQueue
, which is the same object as the one
retrieved from the cache'queue'
from shelf.cache again. Since the cache holds a refence to cls.jobQueue
, this is the same object.However, if you call shelf.sync():
def save(cls):
Cont.shelf['queue'] = cls.jobQueue
Cont.shelf.sync() #1
print(Cont.shelf['queue']) #2
# [1, 2, 3]
cls.jobQueue.pop() #3
print(Cont.shelf['queue']) #4
# [1, 2, 3]
from shelf.cache. Since the cache is empty, a new copy of the data is retrieved from the shelve file.cls.jobQueue
, which is not the same object as the copy just retrieved