I have a Python client that uses Pika package (0.9.13) and retrieves data from one node in a RabbitMQ cluster. The cluster is composed of two nodes placed in two different host (url_1 and url_2). How can I make my Python client to subscribe to both nodes?
That is the main structure of my code:
import pika
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(user, password)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host=url_1,
credentials=credentials, ssl=ssl, port=port))
channel = connection.channel()
type=exchange.type, durable=exchange.durable)
result = channel.queue_declare(queue=queue.name, exclusive=queue.exclusive,
durable=queue.durable, auto_delete=queue.autoDelete)
channel.queue_bind(exchange=exchange.name, queue=queue.name,
If you have a cluster it is not important in which node you are connected.
Usually in to solve this typical problem it is enough to configure a simple load-balancer and connect the clients to the L.B.
clients-----> LB ------> rabbitmq(s) instances cluster.
Load balancer as HAPROXY or for example http://crossroads.e-tunity.com/ they are light and simple to use.
I'd like to add also this: RabbitMQ Client connect to several hosts