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How to make prepOverlay works with createObject?

In a template I would like to open an add form in a popup.

So, I've got a link :

<p class="visualClear">
    <a href="createObject?type_name=Contact" class="link-overlay" i18n:translate="">Add a contact</a>

And a javascript that make a prepOverlay :

(function($) {
    // popin de plone
        subtype: 'ajax',
        filter: common_content_filter,
        formselector: 'form[name=edit_form]',
        noform: 'reload',
        closeselector: '[name="form.button.cancel"]'

The problem is that when I click on the link I've got a javascript error : TypeError: $(...).multiSelect is not a function and the popup form is not showing at all.

This error is due according to this post it's because jquery is loaded twice.

This is maybe the cause here, because, when I click on the link, I've got a GET on http://localhost:8080/Plone/guide-paroissial/milieux-sociaux/acf-action-catholique-des-femmes/createObject?type_name=Contact&ajax_load=1398763930910

and then a redirect to : http://localhost:8080/Plone/guide-paroissial/milieux-sociaux/acf-action-catholique-des-femmes/portal_factory/Contact/contact.2014-04-29.9309424841/edit

So, how could I make this work ?


  • The problem was that keywordmultiselect.js is not loaded in the template.

    To load it :

        url: 'widgets/js/keywordmultiselect.js',
        dataType: "script"

    The full code :

        // popin de plone
                url: 'widgets/js/keywordmultiselect.js',
                dataType: "script"
                subtype: 'ajax',
                filter: common_content_filter,
                formselector: 'form[name=edit_form]',
                noform: function(el) {
                    if ($.plonepopups.noformerrorshow(el, 'close') === 'close'){
                        return 'close';
                closeselector: '[name="form.button.cancel"]'

    Thanks to @Mathias and @SteveM for pointing me.