I am new to MVVMCross (and MVVM in general). I want some architectural advice before I start coding.
I am porting a couple of legacy applications. They share a large amount of business logic. I was going to expose this logic as a service. My questions (so far):
Is there a correct way of doing this that I don't know yet?
If I place the interface/implementation classes in a separate project outside of either Application's core library, and reference it from both core projects will the DI still locate the service?
Similarly if the service needs to publish messages (e.g. errors), will the framework handle this?
Platform specific code - my understanding is that platform specific code should go into the View project (not fond of this idea), but how would this externally located service implement platform specific code?
I think you might be able to get some advice from:
assemblies other than Core
.Specific answers: