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Cacti - after upgrade to 0.8.8a not graphing harddrive space on Windows servers

I have upgraded Cacti from 0.8.7g to 0.8.8a. (We use poller not spine).

I followed the upgrade instructions here -

Cacti Server; Linux RedHat server RHEL4connect to mysql Not using custom scripts basically inbuilt server (index) scripts.

What doesnt graph is hard drive usage (hdtotal/hdfreespace) on windows or linux boxes Windows servers will only graph network stats not hd/cpu.

I have confirmed that the OID in the Server script directory are correct. Went through the trouble shooting steps here -

Linux server are ok with recording and displaying cpu/network but not hard drive data.

I realise this post is a bit all over the place, but new to cacti and want to fix these issues. Any information/help is appreciated. Even if it is just to set up a windows server monitoring graph.

Thanks Roger


  • FYI We had no luck with this upgrade and ended up rebuilding the server using packages available through redhat repositories.

    Thanks for reading