I'm currently using the ARKit ported by the http://iphonear.org guys, looping through a fetched xml and plotting coordinates on the screen. However for some reason casting the object values:
for(NSObject *locxml in xmlLocations) {
tempLocation = [[CLLocation alloc]
initWithLatitude: (int)[locxml valueForKey:@"lat"]
longitude: (int)[locxml valueForKey:@"long"]];
tempCoordinate = [ARGeoCoordinate coordinateWithLocation:tempLocation];
tempCoordinate.title = [locxml valueForKey:@"title"];
[tempLocationArray addObject:tempCoordinate];
[tempLocation release];
[locxml release];
just doesn't show up anything, i have already tried
[[locxml valueForKey:@"lat"] doubleValue] which does indeed shows coordinates just totally in the wrong place (yeah i'm sure of this).
Any help on how to put coordinates from an object into a CLLocation?
nvm for some reason the lat and longitude got swapped >.< i feel stupid now.