Trying to use a format specifier to print a float that will be less than 1 without the leading zero. I came up with a bit of a hack but I assume there is a way to just drop the leading zero in the format specifier. I couldn't find it in the docs.
>>> k = .1337
>>> print "%.4f" % k
>>> print ("%.4f" % k) [1:]
As much as I like cute regex tricks, I think a straightforward function is the best way to do this:
def formatFloat(fmt, val):
ret = fmt % val
if ret.startswith("0."):
return ret[1:]
if ret.startswith("-0."):
return "-" + ret[2:]
return ret
>>> formatFloat("%.4f", .2)
>>> formatFloat("%.4f", -.2)
>>> formatFloat("%.4f", -100.2)
>>> formatFloat("%.4f", 100.2)
This has the benefit of being easy to understand, partially because startswith
is a simple string match rather than a regex.