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Python KeyError while comparing chars in dict and list

I have a problem concerning a comparison between a char key in a dict and a char within a list. The Task is to read a text and count all beginning letters.

I have a list with chars:

bchars = ('i','g','h','n','h')

and a dict with the alphabet and frequency default to zero:

d = dict(dict())
  for i in range(97,123):

no i want to check like the following:

for i in range(len(bchars)):
  for j in range(len(d)):
    if(bchars[i] in d[j]):
      d[j][chr(i+97)] +=1
      d[j][chr(i+97)] +=0

so if the char in the list is a key at the certain position then += 1 else += zero I thought by using a if/else statement I can bypass the KeyError.

Is there any more elegant solution for that?


  • The specific problem is that you check whether bchars[i] is in d[j], but then the key you actually use is chr(i+97).

    chr(i+97) is the index of the ith character in bchars, but mapped to ASCII characters starting from 'a'. Why would you want to use this as your key?

    I think you really want to do:

    for i in range(len(bchars)):
        for j in range(len(d)):
            if(bchars[i] in d[j]):
                d[j][bchars[i]] += 1
                d[j][bchars[i]] = 1

    Note that you can't use += in the else; remember how you literally just checked whether the key was there and decided it wasn't?

    More broadly, though, your code doesn't make sense - it is overcomplicated and does not use the real power of Python's dictionaries. d looks like:

    {0: {'a': 0}, 1: {'b': 0}, 2: {'c': 0}, ...}

    It would be much more sensible to build a dictionary mapping character directly to count:

    {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0, ...}

    then you can simply do:

    for char in bchars:
        if char in d:
            d[char] += 1

    Python even comes with a class just for doing this sort of thing.