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How to get the text from webpage using coded ui

I am new for coded ui and I have got stuck for processing message display on webpage. As we used to get text from web page in selenium using method getText(), is such kind of possibility are available in coded ui.?

I would appreciate your help!!!!


updated - 5/14/2014

script code:

 public void FPInternetExplorer()
            #region Variable Declarations
            HtmlEdit uIUserNameEdit = this.UIFundingPilotPortalWiWindow.UIFundingPilotPortalDocument.UIUserNameEdit;
            HtmlEdit uIPasswordEdit = this.UIFundingPilotPortalWiWindow.UIFundingPilotPortalDocument.UIPasswordEdit;
            HtmlInputButton uILoginButton = this.UIFundingPilotPortalWiWindow.UIFundingPilotPortalDocument.UILoginButton;
            HtmlEdit uISecurityQuestionAnswEdit = this.UIFundingPilotPortalWiWindow.UIFundingPilotPortalDocument.UISecurityQuestionAnswEdit;
            HtmlInputButton uIValidateButton = this.UIFundingPilotPortalWiWindow.UIFundingPilotPortalDocument.UIValidateButton;

            this.UIInternetExplorerEnhaWindow6.LaunchUrl(new System.Uri(this.FPInternetExplorerParams.UIInternetExplorerEnhaWindow6Url));

            // Type 'test@test.test' in 'User Name' text box
            uIUserNameEdit.Text = this.FPInternetExplorerParams.UIUserNameEditText;

            // Type '{Tab}' in 'User Name' text box
            Keyboard.SendKeys(uIUserNameEdit, this.FPInternetExplorerParams.UIUserNameEditSendKeys, ModifierKeys.None);

            // Type '********' in 'Password' text box
            uIPasswordEdit.Password = this.FPInternetExplorerParams.UIPasswordEditPassword;

            // Click 'Login' button
            Mouse.Click(uILoginButton, new Point(62, 19));

    //Code to get the text from div tag. This is the code I have added  
            HtmlDiv testLabel = new HtmlDiv();
            testLabel.SearchProperties[HtmlDiv.PropertyNames.Id] = "SecurityQuestion_AnswerText";
            string myText = testLabel.InnerText;
            Console.Write("myText " + myText);

            // Type 'Computer' in 'SecurityQuestion.AnswerText' text box
            uISecurityQuestionAnswEdit.Text = this.FPInternetExplorerParams.UISecurityQuestionAnswEditText;

            // Type '{Tab}' in 'SecurityQuestion.AnswerText' text box
            Keyboard.SendKeys(uISecurityQuestionAnswEdit, this.FPInternetExplorerParams.UISecurityQuestionAnswEditSendKeys, ModifierKeys.None);

            // Click 'Validate' button
            Mouse.Click(uIValidateButton, new Point(81, 25));

// When run this code using coded UI, system gives exception: Message - 'To test Windows Store apps, use the Coded UI Test project template for Windows Store apps under the Windows Store node.' Is something missing in this code? Would appreciate if you could provide link to configure missing component


  • The property you're looking for is "InnerText". So, for example, on a hyperlink like:

    HtmlHyperlink target = new HtmlHyperlink();
    target.SearchProperties[<search property>] = <value>;
    string myText = target.InnerText;

    You can extrapolate this to just read all of the text on the page by selecting the outer container of the page and getting the InnerText of it, then parse through the string for what you want, but I've found it a lot simpler if you work in the most focused object.