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Hausman's specification test for "glmer" from lme4

I want to make a "Fixed/Random Models for Generalized linear model" (family="binomial"), because I have a data base where observations come from a population and there is a grouping structure. Then I use the function glmer from the lme4 package, also I have read that I can use the glmmPQL function from library MASS (Faraway,2006).

My problem arises when I want to justify the use of random versus fixed model using the Hausman's test (Greene,2012), I don't find a specific function that allows me to do this similar to the phtest test featured in the package plm.

How to justify using the random model?


  • This is a straightforward tweaking of the plm::phtest function. I've commented on the only lines of code that I actually changed. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK and if at all possible test it against the results from plm::phtest. I have just adapted the code, not thought about whether it's really doing the right thing!

    phtest_glmer <- function (glmerMod, glmMod, ...)  {  ## changed function call
        coef.wi <- coef(glmMod) <- fixef(glmerMod)  ## changed coef() to fixef() for glmer
        vcov.wi <- vcov(glmMod) <- vcov(glmerMod)
        names.wi <- names(coef.wi) <- names(
        coef.h <-[ %in% names.wi]
        dbeta <- coef.wi[coef.h] -[coef.h]
        df <- length(dbeta)
        dvcov <-[coef.h, coef.h] - vcov.wi[coef.h, coef.h]
        stat <- abs(t(dbeta) %*% as.matrix(solve(dvcov)) %*% dbeta)  ## added as.matrix()
        pval <- pchisq(stat, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
        names(stat) <- "chisq"
        parameter <- df
        names(parameter) <- "df"
        alternative <- "one model is inconsistent"
        res <- list(statistic = stat, p.value = pval, parameter = parameter, 
            method = "Hausman Test",  alternative = alternative,
          $data))  ## changed
        class(res) <- "htest"


    gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
                       data = cbpp, family = binomial)
    gm0 <- glm(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period +  herd,
                       data = cbpp, family = binomial)
    ##  Hausman Test
    ## data:  cbpp
    ## chisq = 10.2747, df = 4, p-value = 0.03605
    ## alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent

    This seems to work for lme models too:

    fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont) # random is ~ age
    fm0 <- lm(distance ~ age*Subject, data = Orthodont)
    ## Hausman Test 
    ## data:  Orthodont
    ## chisq = 0, df = 2, p-value = 1
    ## alternative hypothesis: one model is inconsistent