I have the following configuration in Azure:
I have the following problem:
Whatever configuration i choose for the TM (Performance, RR, Failover), i only get entries in the Apache log for only one machine. The only time i get entries for the second machine is only if i have failover and set this machine as the first one in the failover queue.
Test scenario:
I am calling a php script with a service from 4 different regions (California, Virginia, Ireland, Japan) to check the traffic distribution, but i never get any logs on the second machine.
Do you have any idea, of what might not function correctly?
Windows Azure Traffic Manager is meant to distribute traffic between different geographic regions (ie. primary site in West US and failover in East US, or performance routing between a West US deployment and North Europe deployment). If you want to load balance traffic between two VMs in the same datacenter then you should setup a load balanced endpoint - http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2014/04/08/microsoft-azure-load-balancing-services/.