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How to "sleep" until timeout or cancellation is requested

What's the best way to sleep a certain amount of time, but be able to be interrupted by a IsCancellationRequested from a CancellationToken?

I'm looking for a solution which works in .NET Framework 4.0+.

I'd like to write:

void MyFunc(CancellationToken ct)
    // simulate some long lasting operation that should be cancelable 
    Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000), ct); 


  • I just blogged about it here:

    CancellationToken and Thread.Sleep

    in Short:

    var cancelled = token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

    In your context:

    void MyFunc (CancellationToken ct)
       // simulate some long lasting operation that should be cancelable 
       var cancelled = ct.WaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));