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Deploying a GitHub update to Azure hosted DocPad Node.js website takes the site offline for 1-2 minutes

I'm testing a GitHub deployment of a DocPad/Node.js site.

I've got the deployment working however when a new push is made to GitHub the public website site becomes unavailable for 1 to 2 minutes while the deployment is in process.

This seems off to me.

I would think the DocPad static HTML files would be generated by node.js, then copied to the wwwroot folder -- thus minimizing any type of downtime.

However this does not seem to be the case.

While the site is being deployed visitors to the website receive the following error message:

The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.

A copy of the DocPad/Node.js deployment can be found at

I would appreciate any insight as to why this is occuring, and if there is anything I can modify to prevent this from happening. I'd like to be able to push updates to the site at any time, while not affecting any visitors.


  • Many thanks to Amit Apple for his help with this.

    Amit posted some very helpful information in the comments of the Gist I posted, so I wanted to post the final solution here in case this issue is encountered by anyone else.

    The problem was because of the Deployment section in the deploy.cmd file. This is the file that gets executed by Azure when a new site is published. My original Deployment section was installing the NPM packages in the %DEPLOYMENT_TARGET% folder, however this should have been occurring in the %DEPLOYMENT_SOURCE% -- since that is where DocPad will be executing from and generating the static site first.

    After the site is completely generated then KuduSync copies the new version to the wwwroot in the %DEPLOYMENT_TARGET% folder, and the site is live.

    A copy of the Deployment section is below. It's also worth noting that in part 3, before building the DocPad site I am deleting all files that are in the "out" folder from any previous builds. This is done with "rd /s /q out". This ensures that pages or files previously created but are not in the site anymore, are not copied to the production site.

    :: Deployment
    :: ----------
    echo Handling DocPad deployment.
    :: 1. Select node version
    call :SelectNodeVersion
    :: 2. Install npm packages
    echo Installing npm packages...
    call !NPM_CMD! install --production
    IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto error
    :: 3. Build DocPad site
    echo Building DocPad site...
    echo Deployment Source Folder: %DEPLOYMENT_SOURCE%
    echo Deployment Target Folder: %DEPLOYMENT_TARGET%
    rd /s /q out
    IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto error
    "!NODE_EXE!" .\node_modules\docpad\bin\docpad -e static generate
    IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto error
    :: 4. KuduSync
    echo Copying Files...
    IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto error