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Working with mvc partial view and history.js

I'm using history js, to and Mvc Partial view, here is my code

In Partial Home

<a id="CreateUser" class="btn btn-primary">Create User </a>

and in my @section scripts to push new url and load partial content in 'state change event'

$('#back').click(function (e) {
    History.pushState({ state: 1 }, "Create User", "/System/User/Create/");

in contoller there is also logic to load partial view if its ajax call and full view if not, this is to protect from user if they press refresh when in ~/System/User/Create/. any way my script onClick script in section doesnt work user in /System/User called from Partial View or Ajax, I can solve this by attaching OnClick Event inside outside @section scripts so it became like this:

<a id="CreateUser" class="btn btn-primary">Create User </a>
        $('#back').click(function (e) {
           History.pushState({ state: 1 }, "Create User", "/System/User/Create/");

@section scripts
    $('#back').click(function (e) {
           History.pushState({ state: 1 }, "Create User", "/System/User/Create/");

but this is redundant and pain to maintain I know this happend because @section doesnt work with Ajax/Partial, anyway is there's cleaner alternative other than this.


  • Nevermind findout that '.click' need to be rebind after loading ajax, but with .on('click' there is no need to rebind event handler, so I now just need script on click event in global js.