I'm having problem installing XDebug on my Zend Server running on Windows 7. Theoretically, based on http://files.zend.com/help/Zend-Server/content/zend_server_php_5.5_extensions.htm it looks like Zend Server 6.3 should come with XDebug extension loaded, but it's not in my case.
So I moved to manual installation and using the XDebug tailer installation instructions I get following results
Xdebug installed: no
Windows: yes - Compiler: MS VC9 - Architecture: x86
Zend Server: yes - Install path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\ZendServer
PHP Version: 5.5.7
Thread Safe Build: no
My first question was, which version I should download since there's no XDebug version for PHP 5.5 and VC9, there's only VC11 version. I ended up trying both VC11 for PHP 5.5 and VC9 for PHP 5.4.
Then I followed instructrion from the XDebug page - doesn't work, then more instructions from http://forums.zend.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=553
Nothing worked, no XDebug info showing on phpinfo page, or Zend Server PHP configuration page. Can anyone suggest how can I proceed?
PHP 5.5 is generally build only with VC11, see on windows.php.net
So the automatic download from http://pecl.php.net or xdebug site is also build only with VC11.
You have multiple choices:
//UPDATE: VC9 build are now available http://xdebug.org/download.php