I have a tab group with 4 tabs. In 2nd tab i have 4 child activities, after going from child 1 => child 2 => child 3 => child 4 and when i click a button it should return to child 1 as a fresh activity without having the history of child 2 3 4.
i have tried this: starting child 1 from child 4,
TabGroupActivity parentActivity = (TabGroupActivity) getParent();
Intent intent = new Intent(getParent(),child1.class);
parentActivity.startChildActivity("child", intent);
can anyone help me.
Start your "child" activity with just startActivity, then when back pressed on the child activity, capture onBackPressed on the child activity and start your parent activity again with a new intent like so:
public void onBackPressed() {
startActivity(new Intent(this, FirstActivity.class)
This should start you fresh with a newly started parent activity.