I'm currently working through a geddy tutorial and came across a line of code:
<%- partial('form', {step: {}, toDos: toDos}) %>
What does partial mean? I've done a google search without much insight. I'm guessing it means that you partially load the content so the page loads faster?
Any explanations or helpful links would be appreciated.
It's been a while since I've coded so if I should be looking at a particular method of coding (e.g. OOP, MVC) that I'm missing let me know.
I received this answer by Dan Craciun on experts exchange which answers it for me:
In geddy, a partial (denoted by a _ in front of the name) is a reusable file/template, that is meant to be used in more than one template. It helps share code between different templates.
See here for a longer explanation (about half page, "An intro to partials"): http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/creating-a-todo-list-app-with-nodejs-and-geddy--net-24535
HTH, Dan