After noticing the added support for Apache Cordova builds into Update 2 of Visual Studio 2013, I wonder if it could be possible to create a game with Construct 2, export as phonegap app and build using this new VS feature.
Thanks in advance,
If the question is whether you should be able to take a PhoneGap project and convert it, then yes. However, they may need to tweak some things around plugins and config.xml depending on how old the project is. (Ex: There are some things in config.xml that are phonegap only)
Basically, copy the contents of what would go into the “www” folder into the root of the project.
On plugins:
a. If they are using base Cordova plugins, then they can just go click the plugins in the manifest editor
b. If they used a PhoneGap CLI project, then for plugins they can actually copy the contents of their “plugins” folder to a “plugins” folder in the VS project
c. If they were referencing custom non-base plugins via feature elements (the old Cordova 2.x way), then they may need to make some adjustments – Mainly because plugins like push and barcode aren’t in yet