I have an xib file that you can see in the image below.
I would like to know how I can make it so that it lays itself out correctly when being used in either iPhone or iPad devices.
Please note that the text in the labels is just used as a placeholder.
So far, I can adjust the width of
and the positioning of the images without any trouble, the issue I am having happens when I try to layout the bottom line of UILables. It gets completely messed up
This is what I am trying to achieve
With that in mind, is this possible? If it is, then I was hoping maybe someone can give me some pointers or a tutorial they think could help. I have looked at a few tutorials, however the relative positioning is what is throwing me off.
The things you are trying to do are all fairly easy to solve with Autolayout constraints.
There is a bit of a learning curve, but it will be well worth the effort. Pretty much everything you wish to do can be done with no code to maintain.
Here is a good primer on Autolayout: