I want to create simple app (clone of Road Fighter actually http://youtu.be/CDMcY3wLd1Q) where: rectangle UIView (car) moves left, if user press left side of screen and it moves right if user press right side.
I already figured out how to recognise touches (two ways: with "UILongPressGestureRecognizer" and with "touchesBegan:" function) but i don't understand how to create animation.
Pseudocode should looks like this (or maybe i'm wrong):
if user touch
if touch.coordinate.x>160 then
while holding
UIView.coordinate.x += 0.01;
if touch.coordinate.x<160 then
while holding
UIView.coordinate.x -= 0.01;
There's another function called -(void)touchesEnded
so when touchbegan, you keep move the car to one direction and stop moving while touchesended was called.
Simple solution is using a flag like bool carismovingleft
call the loop moving function in touchbegin:
- (void)touchesBegan... {
//mark the flag
self.carismovingleft = true;
//start moving the car
[self movingcar];
- (void)movingcar {
if (self.carismovingleft) {
//move the car subview to left a little bit
//now we keep moving a little bit till someone stop it
//call moving again after a delay
//otherwise the car will move all the way in one frame
[self performSelector: @selector(movingcar) withObject:nil afterDelay:1];
- (void)touchesEnded... {
//stop flag
self.carismovingleft = false;
It's just a basic concept of how to implement it, you need coding by yourself.