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Read line per line a txt file with VBS

I'm trying this code:

filename = "test.txt"
listFile  = fso.OpenTextFile(filename).ReadAll
listLines = Split(listFile, vbCrLf)
For Each line In listLines
   WScript.Echo line 
   'My Stuff

Or this other:

filename = "test.txt"
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, ForReading)
    Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
      myLine = f.ReadLine
      WScript.Echo myLine
      'My Stuff

Why in both cases it echoes all lines at once, and of course I'm unable to work line by line? Any idea?


  • Your file has funny EndOfLine markers. Let's assume the lines are terminated by vbLf:

    >> fn = "lf.txt"
    >> goFS.CreateTextFile(fn).Write Replace("a b c ", " ", vbLf)
    >> set ts = goFS.OpenTextFile(fn)
    >> do until ts.AtEndOfStream
    >>    WScript.Echo ts.ReadLine
    >> loop

    As you can see, .ReadLine can cope with vbLf (unix). Your Split() on .ReadAll(), however, will fail:

    >> t = goFS.OpenTextFile(fn).ReadAll()
    >> a = Split(t, vbCrLf)
    >> WScript.Echo UBound(a)
    >> WScript.Echo a(0)

    t does not contain a single vbCrLf, so Split() returns an array with UBound() == 0, containing t as its single element. .Echoing that will at least look like 3 (4) lines. You could Split() on vbLf, if you really need an array of lines.

    But if your files contains vbLf endings, then the .ReadLine loop should work fine.

    .ReadLine() can't cope with vbCr (mac):

    >> fn = "cr.txt"
    >> goFS.CreateTextFile(fn).Write Replace("a b c ", " ", vbCr)
    >> set ts = goFS.OpenTextFile(fn)
    >> do until ts.AtEndOfStream
    >>    WScript.Echo ts.ReadLine
    >> loop

    The b+cr 'overwrites' the a+cr and is then 'overwritten' by c+cr. The .ReadAll() approach will fail too, unless you use vbCr as separator.

    But if your files contains vbCr endings, then none of your snippets can "echoe(s) all lines at once".

    Does your file come from outer space?

    Update wrt comment:

    You can't read UTF-8 using the Filesystemobject. Either convert the file to UTF-16 and use the Unicode option of the format parameter when .OpenTextFile it, or work with an ADODB Stream.

    It still would be interesting to know what EOL marker is used.