Is there an easy way to get the current client on a controller using FOSOAuthServerBundle on Symfony?
I have some properties on my client entity and want to read them in a controller but i can't find the way to get the current client.
I've only found the way to get the current user ($this->container->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
), but not the current client.
EDIT: i've now found the way to get the client, but it's not showing me the values of the properties i added to my client entity. The following code:
$token = $this->container->get('security.context')->getToken()->getToken();
$accessToken = $this->container->get('fos_oauth_server.access_token_manager.default')->findTokenBy(array('token' => $token));
$client = $accessToken->getClient();
is dumping:
public '__CLASS__' => string 'CC\APIBundle\Entity\Client' (length=26)
public '__IS_PROXY__' => boolean true
public '__PROXY_INITIALIZED__' => boolean false
public 'id' => int 6
public 'name' => null
public 'city' => null
public 'randomId' => null
public 'secret' => null
public 'redirectUris' =>
array (size=0)
public 'allowedGrantTypes' => null
So the name and city that my client has on db is not showing... also i think there are many calls to db that could be avoided in a much elegant way...
Any ideas?
$tokenManager = $container->get('fos_oauth_server.access_token_manager.default');
$accessToken = $tokenManager->findTokenByToken(
$client = $accessToken->getClient();
There is your client and you can't see the properties there because that's just a proxy. As soon as you request a property like:
you'll see that the properties will be initialized.
Beware that $container
is your service container, if you are inside a controller use $this->container
to get your current one.