I have this xml file, I need to get the categories, properties and test-case, I successfully done it using XML::LibXML and findnodes The problem is the sometimes the structure is different so there may be some more test-suite & results nodes then the node in the findnodes is not correct.
So what is the best way to handle it ? Not sure how to search for type="Fixture ( which is the node that has the info I need ) if I don't know the correct base starting node.
<test-suite type="Project">
<test-suite type="Setup">
<test-suite type="Fixture>
<category name="AAA" />
<category name="BBB" />
<property name="CCC" />
<property name="DDD" />
<test-case name="EEE" />
<test-case name="DDD" />
Take a look at XPath Examples
for some quick tips on how to create xpaths.
In order to specify that you want a specific attribute, don't forget the @
symbol: //test-suite[@type="Fixture"]
. Also, your current XML is missing a closing quote after "Fixture
which I'm going to assume is a copy/paste error.
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::LibXML;
my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml({IO => \*DATA});
for my $node ($dom->findnodes('//test-suite[@type="Fixture"]')) {
print $node, "\n";
<test-suite type="Project">
<test-suite type="Setup">
<test-suite type="Fixture">
<category name="AAA" />
<category name="BBB" />
<property name="CCC" />
<property name="DDD" />
<test-case name="EEE" />
<test-case name="DDD" />