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How to create a MVP architecture with Vaadin + Spring?

I'd like to create the following simple MVP architecture:

  • View classes that are simly the vaadin layout, components, styles. nonfunctional. The views should be tied to the current ViewScope/SessionScope, therefore I use @UIScope of

  • Presenters should have the view injected, register listeners on the view components, handle user input and delegate to the model services

Problem: when I inject the view into the presenter, the view is recreated, thus presenter and view are not in the same scope. So the binding will not work. What can I change to achieve the design described above?

public class LoginView {
    //form fields, buttons

public class LoginPresenter implements ClickListener {
    private LoginView view;

    public void bind() {

    public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
        //validate input and login


  • Maybe something like

    public class LoginView {
        public void initPresenter(LoginPresenter loginPresenter) {
    public class LoginPresenter {
        private LoginView loginView;
        public void bind() {
            // ...
        public LoginView getLoginView() {
            return loginView;
        public void setLoginView(LoginView loginView) {
            this.loginView = loginView;


    You can decouple adding a configuration interface but adds some complexity, for example

        public interface View {
        public interface Presenter {
            void setView(View view);
            void bind();
        public interface ViewManager {
            void configure(View view);
        public class ViewSupport implements View {
            private ViewManager viewManager;
            public void init() {
      * ViewManager that configure Presenters following 
      * the naming convention XXView->XXPresenter
     public class DefaultViewManager implements ViewManager {
        private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
        public void configure(View view) {
            Presenter p = (Presenter) applicationContext.getBean(getPresenterName(view.getClass()));
        protected String getPresenterName(Class<?> clazz) {
            return StringUtils.uncapitalize(clazz.getSimpleName()).replace("View", "Presenter");