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Applescript: Moving a file using only it's path

Thanks to help from people on Stack Overflow, I'm working on a huge program using Applescript, but I have gotten stuck at a part where I have made a new folder, and I am trying to move 2 illustrator files into it. Normally this wouldn't be a problem as I have moved file before after selected them with "choose", but this time I'm not selecting them I only have variables with their full paths.

So my question is how can I move the 2 files using their full paths? Can I somehow manipulate the variables into a more manageable format?

This is the part of the code not working (the full thing is huge but I can post it if requested) and a few snippets of where variables got their values from

 set saveLocation to ((path to desktop) as string) --place to save the files
 set theFile to choose file --choose .ai file to get outlines on
tell application "Finder" to set fileName to name of theFile
set fullPath to (saveLocation & fileName) --file path of new .ai

make new folder at saveLocation with properties {name:(text 1 thru ((length of fileName) - 3) of fileName)}
tell current application
    set newFolder to POSIX path of saveLocation
    set newFolder to newFolder & (text 1 thru ((length of fileName) - 3) of fileName)

*--set newFolder to choose folder* -- I tested to see if manually selecting the new folder helped, it didn't

 move fullPath to newFolder

I really appreciate any help, thanks in advance


  • Very simple, set the make folder to a variable to call later. Looks like this:

    tell app "finder" --need to use Finder to move files
        set somevariable to make new folder at saveLocation with properties {name:(text 1 thru ((length of fileName) - 3) of fileName)}
        move file fullPath to folder somevariable
    end tell