I want to show only the items which have translations into a language, when this language is active. At the moment untranslated items are shown too. Is there such setting in django-modeltranslation or do I have to write something myself?
I've solved it myself:
In translation.py:
class MenuItemTranslationOptions(TranslationOptions):
fields = ('title',)
fallback_values = {
'title': False,
In a template:
{% if request.LANGUAGE_CODE == 'en' and item.title_en %} #this checks if the item is translated into english
<li class="navig"><a href="{{ item.link }}">{{ item.title }} </a>
{% elif request.LANGUAGE_CODE == 'ru' %} #default language
<li class="navig"><a href="{{ item.link }}">{{ item.title }} </a>
{% endif %}