When I'm using eloquent, I can use the "where" method then the method 'get' to fill an object containing what I've selected in my database. I mean:
$users = User::where('gender', 'M')->where('is_active', 1)->get(['pseudo', 'email', 'age', 'created_at'])->toArray();
Here I can choose the columns I want to get like 'pseudo', 'email', etc.. But what I miss in laravel doc is the way to do the contrary. It could be something like that:
$users = User::where('gender', 'M')->where('is_active', 1)->notGet(['pseudo', 'email', 'age', 'created_at'])->toArray();
Thank you for you futur answer and have a nice day.
If you only need to hide attributes from your model's array or JSON representation, you may use one or both approaches:
property to your model
class User extends Model
* The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
protected $hidden = ['password'];
$users = $users->makeHidden(['address', 'phone_number']);
See other answers for more details... But sometimes you don't want to load huge data (geospatial, html, logs...) into your application, it will be slow and take more memory. OP asked for an SQL query hence my answer, but most of the time it's more convenient to only hide the data from the JSON response.
AFAIK there is no build in option in SQL to exclude columns explicitly, so Laravel can't do it. But you can try this trick
Another trick is to specify all columns in your model (or use an extra query to get all columns using $this->getTableColumns()
from this answer, it can also be cached after each migration to avoid two queries) then add a local scope function
// The below code requires you to define all columns in $columns.
// A better approach is to query the schema of the table and cache it after each
// migration, for more details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56425794/3192276
protected $columns = ['id','pseudo','email'];
public function scopeExclude($query, $value = [])
return $query->select(array_diff($this->columns, (array) $value));
Then you can do :
$users = User::where('gender', 'M')
->where('is_active', 1)
->exclude(['pseudo', 'email', 'age', 'created_at'])