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J's # operator: why not reversed?

I've been studying J for the last few weeks, and something that has really buggered me is the dyadic case of the # operator: the only way I've used it yet is similar to the following:

(1 p: a) # a

If this were reversed, the parenthesis could be omitted:

a #~ 1 p: a

Why was there chosen not to take the reverse of the current arguments? Backwards familiarity with APL, or something I'm completely overlooking?


  • In general, J's primitives are designed to take "primary data" on the right, and "control data" on the left.

    The distinction between "primary" and "control" data is not sharp, but in general one would expect "primary" data to vary more often than "control" data. That is, one would expect that the "control" data is less likely to be calculated than the "primary" data.

    The reason for that design choice is exactly as you point out: because if the data that is more likely to be calculated (as opposed to fixed in advanced) appears on the right, then more J phrases could be expressed as simple trains or pipelines of verbs, without excessive parenthesization (given that J executed left-to-right).

    Now, in the case of #, which data is more likely to be calculated? You're 100% right that the filter (or mask) is very likely to be calculated. However, the data to be filtered is almost certain to be calculated. Where did you get your a, for example?


    PS: if your a can be calculated by some J verb, as in a=: ..., then your whole result, filter and all, can be expressed with primeAs =: 1&p: # ... .

    PPS: Note the 1&p:, there. That's another example of "control" vs "primary": the 1 is control data - you can tell because it's forever bound to p: - and it's fixed. And so, uncoincidentally, p: was designed to take it as a left argument.

    PPPS: This concept of "control data appears on the left" has been expressed many different ways. You can find one round-up of veteran Jers' explanations here: .