I'm a beginner with ColdFusion and I'm just trying out some basic functions.. I tried to loop over a simple query and put the values in a of a element. As value for the element I tried to set the id of each record of the query. After submiting I tried to read the selected value but I only get
You have chosen #getAll.id#
Here is my Code:
<cfquery datasource="testdb" name="getAll">
select *
from Personen
<cfform action="chosen.cfm" method="post">
<cfselect name="listPersons">
<cfloop query="getAll">
<option value="#getAll.id#"><cfoutput>#getAll.id# #getAll.name# #getAll.vorname# #getAll.gebdate# <BR></cfoutput>
<cfinput type="Submit" name="Senden" value="Senden">
<cfoutput>You have chosen #listPersons#</cfoutput>
Can you tell me where I've made the mistake?
You didn't put your value
attribute in a cfoutput
tag, so it's being processed as #getAll.id#
as the key in the struct instead of the value from the query. If you update your cfloop
to be a cfoutput
your issue will be fixed.
A couple pointers - You should scope the variable on chosen.cfm and you don't need to use cfform
a regular form
works just fine.
<cfquery datasource="testdb" name="getAll">
select *
from Personen
<form action="chosen.cfm" method="post">
<select name="listPersons">
<cfoutput query="getAll">
<option value="#getAll.id#">#getAll.id# #getAll.name# #getAll.vorname# #getAll.gebdate#</option>
<input type="Submit" name="Senden" value="Senden">
<cfoutput>You have chosen #form.listPersons#</cfoutput>