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How to set the time in MS since 1970 to a Datetime(6) field in MySQL

I have a Java application where I get a timestamp with the call System.currentTimeInMills();

This returns values like 1331255526000.

Now I want to store these values in a MySQL database in a Datetime(6) field and I've written the following query:

$sql = 'INSERT INTO attention '. '(ParticipantID,SessionId, Timestamp, Attention) '. 'VALUES (' .$participant. ',' .$session. ',FROM_UNIXTIME(' .$timestamp. '),' .$attention. ')';

Where the variable $timestamp is the value I retrieve in Java.

However, this query is not working. What am I doing wrong?


  • use in mysql: from_unixtime($yourvariable / 1000)

    Mysql timestamps are not in ms , but in seconds.