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Confusing DES Datalog Syntax Error

When trying to /consult a .dl file in DES Datalog, I'm getting a bizarre syntax error code which I cannot decipher.

The entered command and corresponding error message:

DES> /consult trike.dl 

Error: Syntax error: operator expected after expression
       File: c:/[file path]/trike.dl
       Line: 1, Column: 10
Info: 0 rules consulted.

The code of the .dl file:

/assert make(trike, wheel, 3).
/assert make(wheel, spoke, 2).
/assert make(wheel, tire, 1).
/assert make(tire, rim, 1).
/assert make(trie, tube, 1).
/assert make(trike, frame, 1).
/assert make(frame, seat, 1).
/assert make(frame, pedal, 1).


  • As Sergey suggested, the answer was to remove the /assert(s).