import static fpig.common.functions.FromOperators.*
import static fpig.groovylist.asfunlist.functions.InAndOutOfFunLists.*
import static fpig.funlist.functions.BaseFL.*
import static fpig.funlist.functions.Infinity.*
I can't work out why this works:
def res= filter{it%7==0} << filter(SMALLER(20)) << naturalNumbers()
funlistOutTake(1) << res
and this works:
def res= filter{it%7==0} << filter(SMALLER(50)) << naturalNumbers()
funlistOutTake(2) << res
but this freezes:
def res= filter{it%7==0} << filter(SMALLER(20)) << naturalNumbers()
funlistOutTake(2) << res
I'm using the groovy console for this and fpiglet 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
As a side note, when this freezes, interrupt script doesn't work, does anyone know why?
I have checked in a fix.
The issue was with how funlistOutTake(2) worked. It wanted to evaluate tail of the lazy list on the last (second) record. Another words, this code:
def res= filter{it%7==0} << naturalNumbers()
funlistOutTake(2) << res
would have evaluated all natural numbers up to 21.
Just (obvious) side-note:
def res= filter{it%7==0} << filter(SMALLER(20)) << naturalNumbers()
funlistOutTake(3) << res
has no chance of working because to get third element on the lazy evaluated 'res' list the second filter: filter(SMALLER(20)) ends up being invoked forever in hope that eventually it will find third number (>19) which can be evaluated by the first filter.
Note, take(n) had the same issue and now should be fixed.