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C++ MFC error C2664

I'm trying to make a simple window using c++ and mfc. the following code is taken from the book "Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals" but it doesn't work. I get error C2664:BOOL CFrameWnd::Create(LPCTSTR,LPCTSTR, ... ) cannot convert argument 2 from const char[20] to LPCTSTR. how can I change the code in order for it to work?

#include <afxwin.h>
class CSimpleFrame : public CFrameWnd
// Create the window's frame
Create(NULL, "Windows Application");
struct CSimpleApp : public CWinApp
BOOL InitInstance()
// Use a pointer to the window's frame for the application
// to use the window
CSimpleFrame *Tester = new CSimpleFrame ();
m_pMainWnd = Tester;
// Show the window
return TRUE;
CSimpleApp theApp;


  • You are probably building your application with Unicode character set (which is the default setting). Change the offending line to:

    Create(NULL, _T("Windows Application"));

    Depending on character set, _T expands either to nothing (MBSC), or to L (Unicode) which results in wide character string.