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Configure Sublime Text build system for Scala?

I'm trying to configure a build system for Scala with SublimeText, but I am having some difficulty. I have tried both of the following:

    "shell_cmd": "scala",
    "working_dir": "${project_path:${folder}}",
    "selector": "source.scala"

    "cmd": ["/path/to/bin/scala", "$file_name"],
    "working_dir": "${project_path:${folder}}",
    "selector": "source.scala",
    "shell": true

Both of these attempts produce the same failed output - it seems to start up the interactive Scala shell rather than running my script. Any advice?


  • The answer that worked turned out to be very close to the second answer - apparently I'm not supposed to open up a new shell. If someone can clarify when to set "shell": true in the comments, that would be really helpful.

        "cmd": ["/path/to/bin/scala", "$file_name"],
        "working_dir": "${project_path:${folder}}",
        "selector": "source.scala"