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Visual Studio Code Map: Unable to connect to the specified database

I can't use Code Map in Visual Studio due to this error:

Unable to connect to the specified database.

An exception occurred attempting to connect to a database using the following connection string: Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Asynchronous Processing=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Connect Timeout=30.

Check that the specified SQL Server instance exists and the service is running.

I've read this questions with the same problem:

Code Map not working in VS2012

visual studio 2012 ultimate new dependency graph error

1) I've installed SQL Server Data Tools for VS2012

2) I've updated VS, and re-installed SQL Server component (in a default uninstall/modify/repair menu)

3) Then I successfully stopped and deleted local database (like in 2nd question):

sqllocaldb stop "v11.0" -k

sqllocaldb delete "v11.0"

But failed to create one:

sqllocaldb create "v11.0"

Creation of LocalDB instance "v11.0" failed because of the following error:

The specified LocalDB version is not available on this computer.

But creating and starting another version succeeded:

sqllocaldb create "v12.0"

LocalDB instance "v12.0" created with version 12.0.2000.8.

sqllocaldb start "v12.0"

LocalDB instance "v12.0" started.

Now I'm confused what is actually wrong. After each step I restarted VS and tried to use diagrams - but nothing changed.

How to fix the problem?


  • Have you tried changing your database name? You can use something like (Look at your appsettings.json file or web.config file)

    <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Server=YourDatasource;Database=DatabaseNameAsYouWish;Integrated Security=SSPI" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

    If you use SQL Management Studio, you will find the Data Source Connection string while you are connecting to the database. Copy and paste it, then try again. If it works, let me know, please.

    Edit: Setup Connection String for ASP.NET Core 5 Web API Project

    Step 1: For ASP.NET Core 5, in the appsettings.json file, put the connection string

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "sqlConnection": "Server=YourServerName;Database=YourDatabaseName;Integrated Security=true; Trusted_Connection=True;"

    (Note: If you want to use localdb, the connection string would be

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "sqlConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=YourDatabaseName;Trusted_Connection=True;"


    Where to find Server name?

    1. Open SQL Server Management Studio

    Server Name

    1. In the Server name field, if you do not see the server name listed, click Browse for more...

    Click Browse for more...

    1. Click the + sign next to Database Engine and you will see your Server name. Click on the server name and select it. Now connect to your SQL Server.

    enter image description here

    Now connect to your SQL Server.

    Step 2. In the startup.cs add the service in the ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){ place your sql connectiono service here } method

    // DatabaseContext comes from DatabaseContext.cs
                services.AddDbContext<DatabaseContext>(options => 
                    options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("sqlConnection")) // sqlConnection comes from appSettings connectionString