I have two modules, one is a Header module, one is a Items module.
I have a HeaderDetails view, which contains a region which is called 'ItemsSummaryRegion'. This region is registered to populate the region with the view ItemListView from the Items module.
regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion("ItemsSummaryRegion", typeof(IItemListView));
The issue is, how do I get access to this automatically generated view so that I may set the list of Items it is supposed to display? I want to set this in the ViewModel of the HeaderDetails view.
Does anyone know how you do this? Or can suggest a better way of displaying this data?
Thank you.
If your two modules are so tightly coupled, wouldn't it make more sense to have just one module containing both views, and to set them up with master/detail.
This example shows something similar of what you are trying to achieve: http://www.tanguay.info/web/index.php?pg=codeExamples&id=105