I've run into a strange problem when trying to include quote marks ' '
in my osascript command.
If I try and escape a normal escapable character, it works fine. Example: osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to display dialog "Te\\st"'
A dialog box from Finder pops up with the text Test
in it.
However, the problem occurs when I try and use apostrophes when I'm writing out full sentences. Example: osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to display dialog "Te\'st"'
When I run this, all I'm left with is no dialog box, and the text input in terminal looking like this:
From what I know, this should by all means work, however, it doesn't.
You can do it this way:
osascript -e "tell app \"Finder\" to display dialog \"'Something' in quotes"\"