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JSONP request to StackOverflow with MooTools is not working

I'm trying to build a custom StackOverflow badge using JSONP and MooTools. Here is the code:

new Request.JSONP('', {
  onComplete: function(data) {

However, I always get back this message:

RequestJSONPrequest_maprequest_0 is not defined

I'm wondering if this is a problem with the response from StackOverflow since requests to other services with JSONP work fine for me.


  • found a way around it:

    by passing on callbackKey: "callback=myfunc&foo" to the Request.JSONP class (it's not escaped properly) you can use myfunc as a global function to handle the callback and go around the stripped .

    Request.stackoverflow = new Class({
        Extends: Request.JSONP,
        options: {
            log: true,
            url: "{user}.json",
            callbackKey: "callback=myfunc&foo"
        initialize: function(user, options) {
            this.options.url = this.options.url.substitute({user: user});
        success: function(data, script) {
            this.parent(data, script);
    window.myfunc = function(data) {
    new Request.stackoverflow(166325).send();