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as3, starting game with adl on mac os, no visual on desktop, context3d error on mobile

I'm using the following line to compile my project:

amxmlc -debug=true -librarypath+=./vendors/starling.swc -output=build/Main.swf -swf-version=13 src/

The projects works fine in a browser.
Packaging using a self signed certificate with air, then installing the game works also well.

I can't run my game simply using adl in the two following situations:

  • with desktop profile:

    adl Game-config.xml (-profile=desktop)

    Game starts, trace works fine, no errors in logs BUT no visual, not even a window to display a canvas.

  • and with mobile profile:

    adl -profile mobileDevice -screensize 720 Game-config.xml

    This time I get a window and the canvas, but an error (in the canvas) from stage3D:

    Context3D error: Error #2008: Parameter profile must be one of the accepted values.

    Error looked like I didn't allow mobile profile so I added in Game-config.xml:

    <supportedProfiles>desktop mobileDevice</supportedProfiles>

    Same error.

I searched and tried adl options, but didn't had success.
I also spend some time looking config file documentation and tweaked it but had again no result.


  • I simply don't get it, Now it works.

    I used the same command than the day I posted, I have exact same version of air framework, exact same configuration (Game-app.xml) ...

    Maybe it was an auto update of adobe or smth ... Or maybe the god of mighty reboot ...

    I heard that if you reboot seven time you can get any wish comes true.