My question in short: I want to upload images to a website automatically. However, I couldn't simulate input type=file.
I have the following input element in a webpage.
<input id="fileupload" type="file" name="files[]" data-url="/server/images/e1b2d17b7b7eccef21a0a0ba1756d35c/upload/" multiple="">
I know that it is disabled due to security reasons to simulate this element using JS or JQuery. That's fine. However, I load the page into my QWebElement and I want to upload images automatically by simulating the necessary mouse clicks. I have managed to click to the upload button but I can't simulate typing any folder name or file name into the opened Dialog Box. I think I need to focus on the Dialog Box but couldn't do it. Could anyone guide me a bit?
You should send mouse click event to input point coordinates. Here is PyQt code to do it.
# We need to scroll our window, to make input "visible" and get it's coordinates
el_pos = el.geometry().center() # el - QWebElement points to input
self._page.mainFrame().setScrollPosition(el_pos) # self._page - QWebPage
scr_pos = self._page.mainFrame().scrollPosition()
point_to_click = el_pos - scr_pos
# Create click on coordinates
press = QMouseEvent(QMouseEvent.MouseButtonPress, point_to_click, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier)
release = QMouseEvent(QMouseEvent.MouseButtonRelease, point_to_click, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier)
QApplication.postEvent(self._handler, press) # self._handler - QWebView
QApplication.postEvent(self._handler, release)
After choose file dialog "opened", Qt calls QWebPage.chooseFile() function to get file name, that should be choosen. We need to reimplement this method in out QWebPage:
class WebPage(QWebPage):
def __init__(self):
self.file_name = 'test.png' # file name we want to be choosed
def chooseFile(self, frame, suggested_file):
return self.file_name # file will be choosen after click on input type=file
And one more thing. In case input allow to select multiple files, reimplementing QWebPage.chooseFile() wouldn't work. To handle this, you should add support of QWebPage::ChooseMultipleFilesExtension. Here is simple example how to do it.