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ggplot2 plot stat_smooth grouped by variable

> head(d)
  TargetGroup2012 TargetGroup2000     bmi3 age3 PA_Score education3 asthma3 allasthma3 tres3
1               2               2 20.89796   55        2          2       0          0     0
2               2               2 20.20038   49        3          2       0          0     0
3               2               2 30.47797   58        3          1       0          0     0
4               2               2 34.13111   51        2          2       0          0     0
5               3               2 23.24380   52        3          1       0          0     0
6               3               2 16.76574   62        2          3       0          0     0
  wheeze3 SmokingGroup_Kai
1       0                4
2       1                4
3       0                5
4       1                4
5       0                3
6       0                3

I am doing a gam plot using:

c <- ggplot()
c + stat_smooth(data=d,aes(bmi3,asthma3),method="gam",formula=MyFormula,color="red")+

I would like to have different lines on the same plot according to the value of the variable TargetGroup2012.

I can obtain this doing:

And then plot...

Is there a faster way to do that? Maybe using something like groupby?

EDIT : Correct solution



ggplot() + stat_smooth(data=d,aes(x=bmi3,y=asthma3,group=TargetGroup2012,color=TargetGroup2012),method="gam",fomula=asthma3~s(bmi3)+s(age3)+PA_Score+SmokingGroup_Kai)+  xlab("BMI3")+ylab("Asthma3")


  • To get lines with different colors, you can use color=TargetGroup2012 inside your stat_smooth function. That should give you the desired result.