I'm making a DOS-Based clock with blinking black/white background every seconds but goto command can't use like the code below the first goto makes the command runs only in the :CLOCK label can anyone help me about this?
@echo off
title DOS-Based Clock
color a
goto CLOCK
goto 0a
echo The current time is: %time%
goto CLOCK
color 0a
ping -n 2>nul
goto 7a
color 7a
ping -n 2>nul
goto 0a
@echo off
title DOS-Based Clock
set "color=0a"
color %color%
echo the current time is: %time%
ping -n 2 > nul
goto %color%
set "color=7a"
goto clock
set "color=0a"
goto clock
Use a variable to store the color and use it both to change the color and to jump to the same label as the color, then change the value of the color and repeat the process