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Library defined but no canonical name

I'm trying to build a project using autotools and getting this error:

$ autoreconf --install
automake: warnings are treated as errors
src/ warning: variable 'librombrowser_a_LDFLAGS' is defined but no program or
src/ library has 'librombrowser_a' as canonical name (possible typo)
autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1

the src/ is following:

noinst_LIBRARIES = librombrowser.a
librombrowser_a_CPPFLAGS = $(GTK_CFLAGS)
librombrowser_a_LDFLAGS = $(GTK_LIBS)
librombrowser_a_SOURCES =                                                      \
                          rombrowser-app.c                                     \
                          rombrowser-app.h                                     \
                          rombrowser-cmds-file.c                               \
                          rombrowser-cmds-help.c                               \
                          rombrowser-cmds.h                                    \
                          rombrowser-dirs.c                                    \
                          rombrowser-dirs.h                                    \
                          rombrowser-settings.c                                \

bin_PROGRAMS = rombrowser
rombrowser_SOURCES = rombrowser.c
rombrowser_LDADD = librombrowser

I'm not seeing what's wrong.


  • _LDFLAGS isn't valid for a static library, only for an executable or a shared library. You may want _LIBADD instead. It seems to me that the error message could be improved.