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Phabricator Making Assumptions About Environment

I am attempting to get Phabricator running on Solaris over apache. The website is working, but all of the cli scripts are not. For example, phd.

The first problem, is that it is not passing arguments to the underling manage-daemons.php script that it invokes. Looking at the phd file, this does not surprise me:

$> cat phd


Now, given my default shell is bash, this isn't going to pass-through my arguments. To do this, I have modified the script:

#! /bin/bash
../scripts/daemon/manage_daemons.php  $*

This will now pass-through the arguments, but it's now failing to find transative scripts it requires via relative path:

./phd start
Preparing to launch daemons.
NOTE: Logs will appear in '/var/tmp/phd/log/daemons.log'.

Launching daemon "PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon".
[2014-05-09 19:29:59] EXCEPTION: (CommandException) Command failed with error #127!
exec ./phd-daemon 'PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon' --daemonize --log='/var/tmp/phd/log/daemons.log' --phd='/var/tmp/phd/pid'


./phd-daemon: line 1: launch_daemon.php: not found
 at [/XXX/XXX/libphutil/src/future/exec/ExecFuture.php:398]
  #0 ExecFuture::resolvex() called at [/XXX/XXX/phabricator/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow.php:167]
  #1 PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow::launchDaemon(PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon, Array , false) called at [/XXX/XXX/phabricator/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow.php:246]
  #2 PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow::executeStartCommand() called at [/XXX/XXX/phabricator/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementStartWorkflow.php:18]
  #3 PhabricatorDaemonManagementStartWorkflow::execute(Object PhutilArgumentParser) called at [/XXX/XXX/libphutil/src/parser/argument/PhutilArgumentParser.php:396]
  #4 PhutilArgumentParser::parseWorkflowsFull(Array of size 9 starting with: { 0 => Object PhabricatorDaemonManagementListWorkflow }) called at [/XXX/XXX/libphutil/src/parser/argument/PhutilArgumentParser.php:292]
  #5 PhutilArgumentParser::parseWorkflows(Array of size 9 starting with: { 0 => Object PhabricatorDaemonManagementListWorkflow }) called at [/XXX/XXX/phabricator/scripts/daemon/manage_daemons.php:30]

Note I have obscured my paths with XXX as they give away sensitive information.

Now, obviously I shouldn't be modifying these scripts. This is an indication that some prerequisite is not set up properly.

It's clear to me that Phabricator is making some (bold) assumption about my setup. But I'm not quite sure what...?


  • These are supposed to be symlinks. For example, if you look at "phd" in the repository on GitHub, you can see that the file type is "symbolic link":

    Something in your environment is incorrectly turning the symlinks into normal files. I'm not aware of any Git configuration which can cause this, although it's possible there is something. One situation where I've seen this happen is when a working copy was cloned, then copied using something like rsync without appropriate flags to preserve symlinks.