Alright so I've got a php class called authentication
which is setting some cookies in the login
method if the person is successfully logged in, then my script in the same method login
I am forwarding the user using php's header
to the appropriate url. However for some reason the cookies aren't being set.
Here is the class authentication
require '../../config.php';
require base .'lib/helpers/bao.php';
class authentication extends bao {
public function login( $email, $pass, $fUrl = null ) {
// set the forwarding url
$forward = '/login.php';
// check for empty values
if( !empty( $email ) && !empty( $pass ) ) {
// set params for binding and run query
$params = array( ':email' => $email );
$runQuery = parent::query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = :email", $params );
// check to see if an account was found
if( parent::numRows( $runQuery ) > 0 ) {
// place result into array for use
$result = parent::fetch( $runQuery );
// check to see if passwords match
if( $result['pword'] === sha1( $result['salt'] . $pass ) ) {
// update login in time in the database
$params = array(':login' => expLogin, ':id' => $result['id'] );
$updateLoggedin = parent::query( "UPDATE users SET login = :login WHERE id = :id", $params );
// Set a bunch of cookies
setcookie("userId", $result['id'], expLogin, '/');
$emailCookie = setcookie("userEmail", $result['email'], expLogin, '/');
setcookie("userNotifications", base64_encode( $result['email'] ), expLogin, '/');
setcookie("userType", $result['type'], expLogin, '/');
setcookie("userStatus", $result['status'], expLogin, '/');
setcookie("userLogin", $result['login'], expLogin, '/');
// set forwarding url
switch( $result['type'] ) {
case 'obl':
$forward = $fUrl ? $fUrl : '/admin/';
case 'broker':
$forward = $fUrl ? $fUrl : '/admin/';
case 'borrower':
$forward = $fUrl ? $fUrl : '/admin/';
$processMeta = 'Congrats you are logged in!';
} else {
$processMeta = 'Your passwords did not match, please try again!';
} else {
$processMeta = 'I\'m sorry we could not locate your account';
} else {
$processMeta = 'You did not enter one of the required fields please try again!';
// set process message to session
$_SESSION['processMeta'] = $processMeta;
// forward onto next url
header("Location: ". $forward );
Now I've used this method many times however the only difference was that before I was programming the code procedurally and now I've put the same code into a class. After being put into the class using the same syntax for the most part the cookies are not setting properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I see you are using expLogin as expire time for the cookie. If it is a constant, you should verify its value, the amount of seconds. If expLogin (maybe a typo for $expLogin?) is not defined, php will think it is a string and when casting into an integer, its value is 0.