I'm creating a POS (Point Of Sale) and I've come across a problem when trying to convert the price "0.60
" to an integer.
Data Background: All the Data for the Data Source is from a MySQL database that I have setup and connected with no problems.
The Price is Stored in a TextBox and is formatted as such "0.60
", I believe that this is the reason why it isn't being converted. I keep getting the message below.
Additional information: Input string was not in a correct format.
//Puts the Price Into a String.
string NewPrice = txtPrice.Text;
//Converts The Quantity In the TextBox field to a numbers.
Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtQuant.Text);
//Incorrect Format & Attempt One.
//Price = Convert.ToInt32(NewPrice); <--- Problem.
//Price = int.Parse(NewPrice);
// I've also tried this method below with two '0' inside the { } brackets.
// But Still No Luck.
Price = Convert.ToInt32(string.Format("{0.00}",txtPrice.Text)); // <--- Problem.
// Times Price & Quantity to get Total Price (0.60 * 2 = 1.20)
TotalSingleItemPrice = Price * Quantity;
// The Single Item Price is added into the overall total.
TotalPrice += TotalSingleItemPrice;
// Converts Total Item Price to String from Int.
string TotalPriceStr = Convert.ToString(TotalSingleItemPrice);
// Puts TextBoxes / Strings Into One String array (I think).
string[] InizialItemList = new string[] { cmboInitItem.Text, Convert.ToString(Price), Convert.ToString(Quantity), TotalPriceStr};
// Adds The String Array Into the Data Grid View.
I've tried to use the string.Format("{0.00}",txtPrice.Text)
setup to combat this problem, I just can't see what I have over looked. I would like the Price to appear in my DataGridView - DGVIIL, as 0.60
if possible.
is not an integer, the error is right on
Decimal d = Decimal.Parse(txtPrice.Text);
Or even better:
Decimal d;
if ( decimal.TryParse(txtPrice.Text, out d) == false ){
//handle bad number...